What we can learn from water

Water is life and we need it to live.

Did you also know that if we bless our water, we can manifest and heal our bodies?

Make sure you to enjoy only filtered water, so you’re not ingesting chemicals and fluoride. They are terrible for our bodies and can cause great sickness in them.

How to bless your water:

Hold your water in your glass.

Take a deep breath and say an affirmation into it.

Drink the water and notice how you feel for the rest of the day.

If you have reversed osmosis water, it’s important to add trace minerals into your water. With this filtration process, it takes out all of the minerals, so you body will start to pull minerals from your body when you drink it.

Jessica Batten

Intuitive Spiritual Coach Jessica Batten uses her years of expertise combined with her intuitive abilities to help her clients heal, thrive and become their best selves!


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