Taking a 15-minute check-in break

When’s the last time you checked in with yourself to see how you’re doing? Like, really doing?

For most people, we’re so busy that we don’t honour this time for check-in, to recalibrate the mind, body and soul, to honour what’s no longer serving us and letting it go.

Take 15 minutes each day to check-in with yourself and simply ask yourself:

“How am I doing today?” Make notes of what comes up for you.

Ask yourself “what do I need in this moment to help myself feel better?” Then write down whatever comes to mind.

Sit and breathe. Be with yourself and ask yourself “am I holding onto any emotions that aren’t serving me, or that aren’t even mine? Breathe and allow it all to come to the service.

Jessica Batten

Intuitive Spiritual Coach Jessica Batten uses her years of expertise combined with her intuitive abilities to help her clients heal, thrive and become their best selves!


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