The importance of getting out of our comfort zone

Our bodies are wired to keep us safe. This is part of the ego’s job. Which is great if we’re being chased by a lion or bear. But if we’re wanting to learn something new, release an old habit that isn’t serving us anymore, or start a new job, this can be a problem. We’re wired to be safe. When you are on the verge of wanting to learn something new, or take on a new role or career, you can tell your body, “I am safe” and hold yourself. Allow your nervous system to relax and let go of the fear. Breathe and continue on your path.

The only way we can learn and grow is to try something new.

So, I challenge YOU, everyday, learn something new, try something new. I doesn’t have to be anything huge like sky diving, this could simply be making a new meal, doing something you’ve always wanted to do, but were too scared, or taking that leap of faith and leaving your job that isn’t serving you anymore.

Jump and the Universe will catch you. I promise.

xo Jess

Jessica Batten

Intuitive Spiritual Coach Jessica Batten uses her years of expertise combined with her intuitive abilities to help her clients heal, thrive and become their best selves!

Setting up your space


The importance of stretching your body